First Class
Mrs Farrell’s First Class
Overview of Content for All Subjects 5th – 8th May
1. Read, Read, Read. Keep up your wonderful reading.
2. Read at Home pages 86- 91. You can try 2 pages a day from this week.
3. Ready Steady Write pages 44 + 45 (Do a little each day) Revision
4. Oral Language Poster 13 continued (Have a look online at the activities)
5. Spellbound Unit 29 “ar” words.
6. Phonics Sheets (English PDF)
7. Dictation (Teacher will post this on seesaw, please ask a grown up to read the sentences
out and children write them)
8. Combined Reader Unit 5b Poetry- “Waiter, There’s a Dog in My Soup” by Kenn Nesbitt
Pages 42-45 (all pages please)
a. Read the story. Check you understand all the vocabulary.
b. Read the questions at A and answer them orally
c. Now attempt to write your answers, be sure and check the text for spellings.
d. Do B. Circle the word
9. Grammar Activity on “to, two and two”. Do A and B
10. Write a cinquain on an animal.
11. Write your news on a day of your choice.
12. Write a postcard. (Optional)
Revision of Ceacht 17 Ag Dul Abhaile. Worksheets (PDF)
Children if you listen to the story, revise the vocabulary. Listen to the poem and song. Play the games. There’s no need to do the written activities as we did them all before. Try and use some of your Gaeilge at home. Above all have fun.
Children we will continue with some regrouping and some revision too.
I will provide you with pages from your Cracking Maths Workbook.
1. Master Your Maths Week 29, Test 29
2. Tables Revise +3 and +4
3. Cracking Maths pages 136, 137, 139
4. Activities on seesaw Click on the First Class icon
Explorers Workbook pages 62,63, 72
Looking at how we use water at home.
What appliances use the most water?
Why is it important to save water?
What would happen if we didn’t have water?
Have a look at the water cycle on page 63.
Summer (Slide show)
May, June and July are the months of summer.
The days get longer and the nights get shorter. (we have more daylight)
We can wear light clothes, shorts, tee-shirts, summer dresses
We don’t need to wear our woolly hats and coats
We get summer holidays in June
We go to the beach etc. We must wear sun cream to protect our skin.
Parents I will attach some power points for S.E.S.E. this week. There’s no need to print these, if it’s possible the children can view them on a computer screen.
Keep doing some physical activity every day. Exercise by doing whatever activities you enjoy, walking, cycling, Gaelic skills, basketball, soccer, trampoline. You might like to practise egg+spoon race, use a potato!! You might like to practise the sack race with a clean bin liner or an old pillow case cover. Have fun!
Keeping Fit With Joe (on every morning)
G.A.A. website have some excellent skill drills.
Yoga for Kids on youtube.
Music Look at the content for May. If you’re having difficulty accessing this, let me know.
If you play an instrument be sure and keep practising.
Grow in Love Theme 6 Celebrating Mass, Lesson 2 Do This In Memory of Me. If you have time look at the video clips on Mary and Martha, Jesus Visiting Mary and Martha.
Repeat the Safe Cross Code.
You can look at the Safe Cross Code song on youtube. Build a pretend road in your garden and practice the Safe Cross Code Rules. Safe Cross Code. There’s lots here to engage with and learn.
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