Parents Association
The Parents’ Association (PA) works very closely with the Principal to ensure that parents have both
a voice in the school and can contribute to-day-to day activities within the school.
Every parent with a child in the school is a member of the PA and a Committee is elected each year by the PA to oversee and manage their activities. Current members of the committee are Emma
Dowling, Hilary Barrett, Lynda Quinn, Paula Murphy Broe and Arlene Sweeney. PA meetings are held regularly throughout the school year and all parents are welcome to attend. Dates and times of meetings are advertised via the school’s Aladdin Connect application. We also have a Facebook page and a WhatsApp group where all the latest information is posted and you can contact the committee at the following email address:
The PA gets involved in a range of activities throughout every school year. Some are annual activities such as designing Christmas cards, providing refreshments after Confirmation and
Communion and the Book Fair. The PA also co-ordinate fundraising events throughout the year such as Free Dress Days, cake sales and raffles. Funds raised are used to fund resources and activities in the school such as Fit Kids, literacy resources, tennis lessons and basketball coaching among others.
For Christmas 2022 we will be holding a raffle and organising a Christmas Jumper Day.
In 2023 the PA are planning a number of initiatives including another Uniform Exchange, a Book
Exchange and we will be holding a Fashion Show in the spring time